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  • Writer's pictureBeauty by Andrea

The 3 Layer secret to healthy skin😲


There’s these little-known proteins in the dermis, called collagen and elastin. They get hardly any attention in the cosmetic and beauty industry, but they hold the secrets to keeping your skin’s youthful appearance. When you learn how to support collagen production and protect elastin, you’ll see a huge reduction in wrinkles, sagging skin and fine lines.🤗

Collagen is kinnda like coiled up springs under your skin that give it strength and structure. Elastin is kinnda like rubber bands within your skin that allow your skin to snap back into place after being stretched out. When they break down, it causes saggy skin and wrinkles.🤗

Help your dermis:

Try Magic Potions - Look for moisturizers with Retinol, which speeds up the turnover of new skin cells, while increasing collagen production to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Try good serums, lightweight and concentrated moisturizers, which targets, among other things, wrinkles, brightness, acne or hydration. Supplement Collagen - Try hydrolyzed collagen, taken orally it can boost your skin’s production of collagen. Improve Circulation - Exercise and massage are easy ways to improve the circulation of blood to support your skin’s optimal function (and give your skin a nice glow).

And, stop hurting your dermis:

Wear Sunscreen Daily - UV rays cause damage to both your collagen and elastin--and it’s tough to regenerate elastin!!--and even 10 to 15 minutes exposure per day adds up. Use the Right Sunscreen - The wrong sunscreen may clog your pores and cause breakouts, look for mineral based sunscreen, fragrance free, broad spectrum, SPF 30+. Eat Healthy - I know, I know, you’ve heard it before, but seriously! Try this: Avoid sugar and increase your Vitamin C. Excess sugar triggers glycation, the active breakdown of your collagen, while skin exposed to vitamin C for long periods of time can produce up to eight times more collagen! Hydrate! - make sure you’re drinking 8 glasses of water per day--dehydrated skin is more likely to wrinkle.🌞


The top layer of your skin is the layer we all see--it protects your insides from the outsides.

Stop hurting your Epidermis:

No More Basic Cleansers - Your epidermis is home to the moisture barrier, a thin lipid layer that helps your skin hold moisture and stay youthful looking. Your lipid layer can be damaged by the soaps and cleansers you use daily. I love my Micellar Cleansing Water it simultaneously refreshes, cleanses and removes makeup.💧💦

Help your dermis:

Exfoliate - This removes dead skin cells from the top layer of your skin, and allows newer, fresher cells to grow in their place. Gently scrub your clean face with pure honey, then rinse with warm water. Sensitive Skin: Exfoliate 1-2 times per week Oily Skin: Exfoliate up to 5 times per week Normal to Combination Skin: Exfoliate up to 3 times per week Rinse your Face - Think about all the day’s worth of dirt and toxins you’re transferring to your pillowcase… then pressing your face into for (hopefully 7-9) hours! Rinse your face before bed. Even if you’re tired, try to have a clean face hit that pillow! THE BOTTOM LAYER - HYPODERMIS

The bottom layer of your skin is home to fats, blood vessels, and your lymphatic system. Your lymphatic system is kinda like your body’s sewage system -- carrying toxins, bacteria, damaged cells (and cancer cells if present) from your body’s tissues. If your lymphatic system isn’t functioning properly and the effects of that buildup in skin issues such as acne, premature aging, and a loss of elasticity.

The lymphatic system lacks a natural “pump” (like your heart is the “pump” of your cardiovascular system), so it relies on you to provide the energy for circulation.💧💦

Here’s what you can do to help your dermis:

Do a Lymphatic Drainage Massage - this type of massage uses the lymphatic system’s natural pathways to “pump” the toxins out of your system, reducing fluid buildup and puffiness. Try Facial Rolling - I bought a jade roller for less than $20 on Amazon for lymphatic drainage massage. I leave mine in the freezer for 30 minutes for a refreshing shock to the system 📷;) Exercise 30 Minutes per Day - Besides being a great way to “pump” your lymphatic system, exercise gives your skin a healthy glow, gets rid of dead skin cells, helps your mood, keeps stress down, and gets you to sweat out toxins.💧💦

By doing the fundamentals right, and making sure that you’re spending most of your time at least not hurting your skin, you’ll be doing the most important thing to improve your skin’s quality. Try to find some time in your daily beauty routine to practice gratitude for what you have, to be mindful of the moment, to breathe... I hope this helps…..and as always reach out to me if you have any questions 📷

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